Niels Münter

DEEZER Abfeiern
Niels Münter

Niels started his rocky road to directing in the creative metropolis of Hanover and learned everything about making movies from a 78-year-old professor and ex-documentary assistant. By 29 he had two daughters and was looking for a nice, homey place where the kids could roam about for hours on their own and have a bit of freedom. Naturally, Berlin was his first choice. Niels set out to change advertising in Germany: he was drawn first to Jung von Matt and then to Heimat, where he experienced first-hand the suffering of advertisers and knew he needed other skills to survive and make things better. So he went to the hardest comedy school of his life for 4 years - at Circus Halli Galli he learned how to shoot with drunks at the Cologne carnival, how to puke on command by Evil Jared,  and that you have to create films not for yourself but for a wide audience: because there is nothing worse than listening to 140 people remaining utterly silent throughout the show's duration. With these realizations, he ran to Dojo and applied to join the company. And that's when he realized something: people do want to laugh, and sometimes be surprised when they have to watch commercials before their actual video starts. For more than three years now, Niels has been grinding his way through the industry as a lone wolf and has now found a new home. AKKURAT. The Saga continues.
